Wpi or cpi which is better

Login details for this Free course will be emailed to you. Forgot Password? Difference Between WPI vs CPI Both wholesale price index WPI and the consumer price index CPI are the change in the price of various goods or services in the economy, where the wholesale price index measures the percentage change in the price in wholesale index, while consumer price index measures the percentage change in the price in retail market and hence it is more useful for consumers rather than businessman.

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It is used to measure the average change in price in the sale of goods in bulk quantity by the whole seller. CPI is a consumer price index that measures the change in the price in the sale of goods or services in retail or directly to the consumer. So inflation reduces the value of money hence too much money chases too few goods.

There are various methods to calculate inflation i. Consumer Price Index CPI is a price index that represents the average price of a basket of goods over time. CPI calculates the average price paid by the consumer to the shopkeepers.

Education, communication, transportation, recreation, apparel, foods and beverages, housing and medical care are the 8 groups for which the CPI is measured. Economic Survey Report Key Facts. Download our App Now!! It'll just take a moment. Looks like you have exceeded the limit to bookmark the image. Remove some to bookmark this image. You are now subscribed to our newsletters. What is CPI? Premium Premium Here are some handy tips for fixing your poor credit score.

Premium Premium Term insurance issued in India has global coverage. In contrast, CPI industrial workers inflation rose to Similarly, in recent months, while WPI inflation has risen to 6. Retail inflation is a superior indicator of the underlying demand situation in the economy, which determines the extent to which retailers can pass on a sustained rise in wholesale prices.

While, in a strong demand environment, retailers can pass on the entire increase in wholesale prices or even more to their end-consumers, if demand remains weak, retailers could witness pressure on margins. The monetary policy has limited efficacy to deal with the direct impact of food and fuel inflation. Currently, food and related products account for nearly half To arrive at a more appropriate indicator for monetary policy decisions, it would be better to exclude prices of the fuel group and those food articles which are influenced by temporary, but sharp fluctuations in supply and can result in highly volatile prices.

It is also argued that the apex bank should have tightened more or begun fresh tightening measures to bring down double digit inflation.

But is inflation in double digits or even close The latest yoy GDP deflator inflation is 5. By definition and construction, the GDP deflator is a more comprehensive measure of inflation. But because of its more timely nature, most analysts take the CPI as a surrogate. On average, the difference in the inflation shown by the two variables was less than 0. This held true for the long time-period, to


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