Why do spiders have eight eyes

Each play a role to help keep that spider safe. Scientists began working with jumping spiders to discover why they have so many eyes after it was discovered they can actually see in color and even ultraviolet light. Jumping spiders also actively hunt their prey rather than lay in wait for it, so they are an even better fit for studying their eyes since they probably play a pretty crucial part in their daily lives, certainly more so than spiders that use their webs to hunt.

This new study found that the central and principle pair of eyes are skilled at recognizing and picking out the details in their surrounding environment.

But they found that one of the side pair of eyes is crucial when it comes to warning a spider that something not in their direct line of sight is heading for them. While the two central eyes help spiders detect details, researchers believe that the secondary eyes that are dotted around their head help jumping spiders detect motion. However, it is the pair of eyes right next to the pair of central eyes, known as the anterior lateral eyes ALE , that the researchers of the study were primarily interested in, as this pair of eyes seem to be able to discern some detail as well.

By dabbing a bit of paint over this pair of eyes, which is basically like a spider blindfold, the researchers were able to see exactly what those eyes do. After placing spiders with and without the paint in an enclosure and on an iPod touch with a video of a black dot, the scientists pressed play on the video, and the dot would either expand or contract quickly, mimicking another animal running towards or away from the spider.

It turns out that these eyes are crucial for detecting danger, as they act somewhat like our human version of eyes when we detect a baseball flying towards us at a baseball game and duck, even if the ball is somewhat out of our direct field of vision. While our two human eyes do all of that together, spiders need a few extra pairs that work together to serve the same function of helping them see in many directions and detect imminent danger, as our own eyes do between the two of them.

Why do you think spiders have their vision separated into eight eyes that serve different functions rather than just two like humans that serve all of those same functions? Arizona Pest Control Co. Bee vs. Exterminator Tucson Fact or Fiction? Free Pest Control Service! Non-Native guide to identifying common mice and rat species Hadyn Parry: Re-engineering mosquitos to fight disease Happy 4th of July!

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We had crickets, spiders and other creepy crawlies everywhere. AZ Pest Control did a thorough inspection and outlined a plan that ensures our home will remain pest free. Mac Johnson 27 Oct 21 Great experience. Tech was very knowledgeable! Can you find out why spiders need six eyes but we only need two?

The short answer to your question is that animals have evolved different eyes that best suit the lives they lead. Read more: Curious Kids: What are spider webs made from and how strong are they? Humans have two eyes that face forward. Our eyes are very good at seeing colours and shapes.

That makes it easier for us to catch another animal so we can eat it. Spiders are also hunters and they need eyes that help them find and catch their food. But the kind of eyes they have tells us something about the food they eat and the lives they live. Jumping spiders are active hunters, like tiny lions chasing down their prey bugs. They usually have eight eyes: two very large front eyes to get a clear, colour image and judge distance, and extra side eyes to detect when something is moving.

Some spiders make nets to catch their prey. These net-casting spiders also need to see clearly and judge distances. Many different species of spiders, especially jumping spiders, have four sets of eyes. They need these extra sets of eyes, as they do not easily catch their prey in webs — they hunt!

These spiders will use their main eyes for basic vision with sharp, colored vision that allows them to see ultraviolet light that humans cannot see.

The other eyes assist in enhancing their ability to react to catching their prey and defending themselves against predators. With the main eyes being used for basic vision, the secondary sets of eyes are believed to be used to detect motion. This will aid them in response to a predator attack or the movement of their prey. This set is the next pair of eyes after the principal eyes. They are forward facing, but are used mainly for this motion detection.

Without this set of eyes, the spider would be in some serious trouble…. When the ALE eyes are damaged or covered during tests , spiders are usually unable to react to quick changes that would require them to defend or attack. Even with the principal eyes being as sharp as they are, the ALE eyes are completely in charge of detecting motion. To stress how important these eyes are — a spider with blocked out principle eyes would be far better off than a spider with blocked off ALE eyes.

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