Why do bank tellers

Training usually includes how to balance cash drawers, verify signatures, learn the computer software, kinds of financial products and services the bank offers, or security procedures. In addition, the hiring bank will do a credit and background check to ensure you are in good standing.

What does a Accountant do? What does a Budget Analyst do? What does a Financial Advisor do? If a customer is interested in financial products or services they may explain the products and services offered by the bank and refer to the appropriate personnel. Most tellers are hired full time and work during the day. They often stand in one position most of the day.

There is a decline in teller positions, due to mobile banking and banking. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a decline in this career.

Whether customers visit the bank to deposit a paycheck or just check their account balance… the person they stand in line to see is… the teller. Careers Career Advice. Table of Contents Expand. Career Path. Educational Qualifications.

Other Qualifications and Skills. Key Takeaways Bank tellers are typically entry-level positions at banks that directly interact with and service customers. Most employers require at least a high school diploma, but advancement will often require a bachelors degree. Teller is usually the first in a career path that can soon lead to loan officer or personal banker for those who show promise.

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This compensation may impact how and where listings appear. Investopedia does not include all offers available in the marketplace. Related Articles. Banking Investment Banking vs. To be a successful bank teller job candidate, acquire the following skills:. Math: Bank tellers work with money, so they must be comfortable counting cash and coins, adding and subtracting large numbers and doing other mathematical calculations.

Customer service: A bank teller is often the first person a customer sees inside a bank, so they should be friendly, well-informed and willing to answer customer questions. Organization: Bank tellers need to have strong organizational skills to keep their workspace clean and organized.

They work with large sums of money that must be kept safe and secure. Computer literacy: Bank tellers frequently work on a computer system to handle customer transactions and complete other tasks. The cash drawer is usually connected to a computer, and the bank teller uses a computer to run reports and log transactions.

Comfort with computers is necessary for those considering bank teller jobs. Sales: Strong sales skills are preferred for bank tellers in both corporate and local bank branches. Sales skills help bank tellers advertise bank products such as credit cards, savings accounts, loans and more. These products are an essential part of a banking business.

Bank tellers usually work in commercial bank branches or credit union branches. Some work in large buildings, while others work in small banks. Though they work in towns all over the world, there are a few things that almost any bank teller can expect out of their work environment:. Working at a desk facing the lobby or at drive-up windows where they interact with guests through microphones or other audio technology.

Sitting or standing for long periods, depending on the set-up of their particular bank. Interacting with the public to assist current patrons or assist new customers.

Having shifts Monday through Friday, often full-time schedules with occasional weekend hours. Bank tellers are typically the first point of interaction for customers as they enter the bank. Tellers verify the identity of customers and process requests for deposits to and withdrawals from patron accounts. They generate certified checks and money orders according to the specifications of customers.

Some tellers exchange dollars for other currencies. Bank tellers answer questions about bank products and services and direct customers to other staff for more complex bank transactions. They must count cash in their drawers as they begin their shift and reconcile remaining cash at the end of their shift to account accurately for deposits and dispersals. Most tellers work in the branches of community and commercial banks.

Some tellers work for credit unions. This job requires candidates to be able to perform duties that include the following:. Bank tellers must safely and accurately handle customer funds by verifying identity and taking other actions to prevent errors or fraud.

Head bank tellers manage operations of bank tellers. A bank teller's salary varies based on the geographical location, level of experience, type of employer, and other factors. Source: U. Bureau of Labor Statistics, The minimum education requirement for tellers is a high school degree, but tellers with an associate or bachelor's degree can advance more readily to assistant manager, personal banking, loan officer, and bank manager jobs.

Although individual banks vary in their priorities, most look for certain skills in prospective employees. These are the skills you must have or develop if you wish to get a job as a bank teller, and they are also the skills you should emphasize in both your application materials and your interview:.


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