Why carrots are bad for rabbits

In one major academic project, researchers at the University of Edinburgh established a link between these types of foods and life-threatening dental and digestive problems in rabbits. Other advice for rabbit owners is to only to give fruit occasionally and in small quantities because it is also high in sugar.

Apples, grapes, pears, plums, strawberries and tomatoes but not tomato leaves are some of the fruits that are suitable in small amounts. Unsafe food for rabbits includes grass clippings, clematis, foxglove, ivy, lilies, lily of the valley, laburnum, poppies, privet, ragwort, rhododendron, rhubarb leaves. Further information about rabbit welfare can also be found here. Sign up now. It has been really helpful.

Actually I fed my rabbit one carrot per day for 2 months straight as I did not know it is bad for her. Can you tell me what can I do now? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Squeaks and Nibbles. Pet Rabbits. Share on Facebook. Bunny Standing Up. What is great about keeping rabbits as pets is that you can never experience difficulty in terms of what to feed them.

Rabbits are vegetarians who can thrive well, stay happy and live a perfectly long life with vegetables. They are considered herbivores, and with that said, just give them unlimited amounts of hay, a few vegetables, and a bowl of clean and fresh water and they should be fine.

If you are curious whether it is completely harmless to feed your pet rabbit carrots as a meal, then it is best to ask your veterinarian what he or she thinks about it. For humans, there is always that natural tendency to emulate what we see on television and treat it as fact in real life situations.

Just because Bugs Bunny ate carrots every single time he appeared on television does not mean that pet rabbit owners must adhere to his advice. A lot of animal scientists and veterinarians would say that your pet rabbit must consistently eat hay as their everyday meal and diet.

Hay should be their main food and vegetables, particularly the green leafy and root ones, must be considered only as supplementary. Wild rabbits have a sweet tooth too! Our family keeps a big garden and wild rabbits do get their share of our vegetables, but they primarily eat the veggies growing on the plants, not the root vegetables.

We have occasionally had a rabbit eat part of a carrot, but they usually just eat the bit of the carrot that is growing above the ground. Treats should be given just a few times a week and in very small portion sizes.

If you want to learn more about choosing good bunny treats, here is a link to an article we wrote just about rabbit treats. My name is Stacey Davis and my family has kept rabbits for decades. Here on RabbitPros. Because Bugs Bunny eats carrots because Clark Gable did once.


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