Don't forget about our 30 day money back guarantee. If you don't like your compression you can send them back for a full refund. All you are responsible for is shipping the product back to us. Compression stockings Don't forget about our 30 day money back guarantee. Compression stockings 16th Feb Kevin Brown. Recent Posts. Generally, compression socks are for patients with circulatory problems such as venous insufficiency, lymphedema and varicose veins. For some patients, this can be a temporary condition during pregnancy, for example.
Compression levels range from 15 to 20 mmHg up to 60 mmHg. Anything above 20 mmHg is considered prescription strength. Compression socks help keep blood from pooling in the ankles, where the pressure is the greatest. Graduated compression socks have the highest level of compression at the ankle.
The pressure applied by the sock decreases gradually as you move up to the top of the sock. Graduated compression stockings will need a professional fitting. Some suppliers provide custom styles in terms of closed- or open-toe designs and color. They encompass flight socks and elastic support stockings used to relieve tired and aching limbs. They are not graduated and therefore offer minimal, uniform pressure in comparison to prescription compression socks.
Generally, TED hose is used for short-term compression needs. Patients may wear TED hose for a maximum of three weeks, or until another form of preventing blood clots may be utilized such as in-bed exercises and movement. Compression stockings are generally recommended for daily use for a maximum of six months, but this depends on the recommendations from your physician.
If you wear your compression socks less frequently, like before or after workouts rather than all day, there is no maximum limit to days of wear. In conclusion, it is crucial for patients to have basic information about the tools used in their treatment. A simple rule of thumb that practitioners and patients should know regarding compression garments is:. Skip to navigation Skip to content. ComproGear Compression Socks. Last Updated May 12, TED hose are often worn while you are immobile.
Knee-high TED hose. Knee-high compression stockings. Preventing blood clots after surgery with the right compression garment should be a top priority.
About About Meet Dr. Difference Between Compression Stockings and T. Are Vein Treatments Covered by Insurance? What Causes Skin Discoloration in the Legs? Testimonials Excellent care before, during and aftercare.
Kathleen H.